A Norfolk Wedding at home - Trixie and Ben
Gressenhall Museum Wedding Photography
After a few weddings away it was great to be back home for a Norfolk wedding, and one just down the road from me as well. The wedding reception was being held at Trixie’s parents home near Dereham and I started here to catch the last of Trixie’s preparations. Trixie was planning to travel to the wedding at Gressenhall in the family’s Landrover so the first job was to dress it with ribbons for the journey. The car sorted, the girls could focus on their own preparations, including a necklace for Trixie that has been in the family for many years – as evidenced by a family portrait in the hallway!
It was my first time for a Gressenhall Museum wedding, the chapel was easy to find to the left of the main building where I found Ben greeting his guests. Trixie arrived shortly after in the Landrover and after a quick chat with registrars, it was off to the chapel to get married. Although the chapel was obviously an old religious building it’s no longer consecrated and the wedding was to be a civil ceremony. Ben was emotional as Trixie walked it, a little wipe of his eyes and we were good to go, into a very relaxed and happy ceremony. After the wedding, there was time for a couple of quick portraits in the Gressenhall grounds behind the chapel and then a quick chat with the guests before Trixie and Ben took to the sports car that Ben had built himself.
The guests headed off to the reception while I followed Trixie and Ben to Dereham windmill, Dereham has a windmill, who knew! They wanted a few moments to chill together after the bustle of the ceremony and I took a few shots and left them for their alone time. A short while later they arrive at the reception, driving through a wall of confetti to join their guests for the champagne reception. The marquee was a tight squeeze in the garden, with the pièce de résistance inside being another of Ben’s self-made creations – huge letters commanding the guests to dance at the edge of the dance floor. He’s a man of many talents. The weather outside was cloudy but warm, a perfect lazy day for a summer wedding party.
Following the wedding breakfast came the speeches and cake cutting – a giant version of Ben’s favourite French Fancy and then it was time to hit the dance floor for their rehearsed first dance routine. Which Ben promptly messed up. So they restarted … and Ben messed up again. Another restart … eventually the dance came off without a flaw, ending with a spectacular lift. What a great Norfolk wedding. Congrats Trixie and Ben!